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What is Abuse or Neglect?

Abuse can happen anywhere and can be carried out by anyone. This could be family, friends, neighbours, paid staff, carers or volunteers. It could also be other service users, tenants or strangers. The Care and Support Statutory Guidance identifies ten types of abuse, these are:

  • Physical abuse, such as hitting, pushing, locking someone in a room.
  • Domestic Violence or Abuse.
  • Sexual abuse, such as inappropriate touching, forcing someone to take part in any sexual act against their will.
  • Psychological or Emotional abuse, such as bullying, taunting or humiliating someone.
  • Financial or material abuse, such as misusing, withholding or taking someone’s money.
  • Modern Slavery, including Human Trafficking, Forced Labour, Domestic Servitude, Sexual Exploitation and Debt Bondage.
  • Discrimination such as ill treatment due to the person’s age, gender, disability or religious beliefs.
  • Organisational or Institutional abuse.
  • Neglect or acts of omission, such as not providing necessary food, care or medicine.
  • Self-Neglect, or Lack of self-care to an extent that it threatens personal health and safety.

See the link below for more details on each type of abuse from the Social Care Institute for Excellence:

Types of abuse: Safeguarding adults – SCIE

People who require care and support must be able to trust and depend on the people they rely on for help. No abuse is acceptable. Some abuse is a criminal offence and should be reported to the Police as soon as possible.

For further details see here:

PDF icon 4LSAB Safeguarding Concerns (

You may not know. It is enough that you are worried.