Blue Lamp Trust
The Blue Lamp Trust is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting and enhancing community safety throughout Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. All our profits support the work of the Bobby Scheme, a free service which provides practical home security and safety assistance to the elderly and vulnerable, helping them to feel safe in their homes. Charitable funds are raised through our range of road safety courses and taxi driver assessments with DVSA-approved assessors.
Buy with Confidence
Buy With Confidence is operated solely by local authority Trading Standards services. This means all checking and monitoring of business is done directly by them, not by third parties or private companies.
Connect to Support
Connect to Support Hampshire is an online information and advice guide and directory of services for adult residents in Hampshire to find information, advice and services to manage their own care and wellbeing. You can find out about local groups, activities and services within your community as well as formal care provision by clicking on the image below to go to the Connect to Support website.
Crimestoppers believe that everyone has the right to feel safe from crime. Whoever you are, wherever you live, from communities to companies.
You can contact the charity by phone on 0800 555 111 and online, on their website, 24/7, 365 days a year.
The website also provides advice on how to protect the people you care about from crime so everyone can feel safe.
Hampshire Police Direct Access Line
This registration only service designed to help people who find it difficult to use the 101 number because for example they:
- struggle to hold a telephone for a long time
- have a poor memory
- become easily confused, especially when stressed
- find it difficult to communicate
- struggle to understand people speaking too fast
The Direct Access Line reduces the amount of time you have to wait to speak with a call-taker. The person who answers your call will already have an understanding of your or your carer’s background. You can register important details and information with us in confidence, such as your next-of-kin, which may help us in an emergency.
Hampshire Police Direct Access Line
Hate Crime
It is widely accepted that hate crimes are under reported. Not all victims are comfortable with reporting their experiences directly to the police. Possible reasons for this may include:
- Lack of awareness of ways to report hate crime
- Victims find visiting police stations intimidating or daunting
- Victims believe the police won’t believe them or take them seriously
- Individuals are unaware they are victims of hate crimes
- Lack of support to help victims make a report, e.g. interpreters
- Victims fear being outed in terms of their sexuality or disability
Hate crime | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary
Third Party Reporting Centres (TPRCs) overcome these barriers by providing an alternative to directly reporting to the police, without which a number of hate incidents and crimes would never be reported or recorded.
Visit the Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s webpage on Third Party Reporting Centres here:
See No Evil
This short film has been produced, alongside drama and discussion activities, to raise awareness about bullying, prejudicial language and county lines drugs gangs.
The part-animated video, features four of Blue Apple’s actors who all have learning disabilities, as well as real-life police officers. The workshop includes drama and discussion activities, co-facilitated by members of Blue Apple Theatre.
Tricky Friends animation
“Tricky Friends” is a short animation developed by Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board to help people to understand what good friendships are, when they might be harmful and what they can do. It is important that people with learning disabilities and autism, those who have cognitive difficulties and also children and young adults have positive opportunities to make and maintain friendships. We want to help them to do this as well as reduce the risk of harm and exploitation in groups who may be less able to recognise the intentions of others. The animation can be used as a way to help people to think about the issues and start conversations about keeping safe while enjoying friendships. Please note the contact details provided in the video are for Norfolk. For Hampshire contact details, see Report Concerns
Click on the link below to watch the animation:
Help in a Crisis
Mental and Physical support and advice from Southern Health.
Help in a crisis: Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
The Herbert Protocol
The Herbert Protocol is a form that carers, family or friends of a vulnerable person, or the person themselves can fill in.
It contains a list of information to help the police if the person goes missing, including:
- medication required
- mobile numbers
- places previously located
- a recent photograph
See more on the Hampshire Constabulary website.
Hourglass is the only charity in the UK specifically dedicated to calling time on the harm, abuse, and exploitation of older people across the United Kingdom. They offer:
- A national and confidential 24/7 helpline for those experiencing, or concerned about, the harm, abuse or exploitation of an older person.
- A range of other localised services which they have extended across the south of England, including their dedicated IDVA team who specialise in domestic abuse cases involving victims 60 and over, as well as a virtual Community Hub, which acts a one-stop-shop for anyone who is concerned about the abuse of older people or needs advice about safer ageing.
Lasting Power of Attorney
Lasting Power of Attorney – Let’s Plan Ahead Campaign
Let’s Plan Ahead (LPA) is a multi-agency initiative hosted by the Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board, which aims to raise awareness and drive the uptake of Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare. Click the link below to view the LPA pages:
A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document that lets you (the ‘donor’) appoint one or more people (known as ‘attorneys’) to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf.
This gives you more control over what happens to you if you have an accident or an illness and cannot make your own decisions (you ‘lack mental capacity’).
Guidance on how to make, register or end an LPA
Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) Lasting Power of Attorney Campaign
The Office of the Public Guardian’s (OPG) lasting power of attorney (LPA) campaign promotes the importance and benefits of making an LPA. The campaign also clears up some of the myths around LPAs. Click on the picture below for a full-sized version of the campaign poster.
Further information is available from the Office of the Public Guardian here:
Lasting Power of Attorney OPG Campaign
Loneliness and Social Isolation
Over 9 million people in the UK across all adult ages – more than the population of London – are either always or often lonely. Half a million older people go at least five or six days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone at all.
If you know someone is lonely or socially isolated, they may be vulnerable, or open to forms of abuse such as mate crime. There is help and resources available to them. For more information visit or to report a concern please contact Hampshire Adults Health & Care on 0300 555 1386.
Click on the links below to view and/or download HSAB posters on Loneliness and Social Isolation:
Mail Preference Service
The Mail Preference Service (MPS) is free and funded by the direct mail industry to enable consumers to have their names and home addresses in the UK removed from lists used by the industry. It is actively supported by the Royal Mail and all directly involved trade associations. Registering with the MPS is FREE. Click below to find out more about this service and how it can help protect against unsolicited direct mailings.
Modern Slavery
The Modern Slavery Partnership for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight is a multi-agency partnership. It is chaired and facilitated by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC). Governance is provided to the Modern Slavery Partnership from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police Local Criminal Justice Board.
Officer of the Police and Crime Commissioner – Modern Slavery Partnership
STOP THE TRAFFIK was founded in 2005 as a coalition campaigning to bring an end to human trafficking worldwide.
STOP THE TRAFFIK | People shouldn’t be bought and sold
Prevent is the name given to a national strategy which aims to stop people from becoming violent extremists or supporting terrorism. Channel is the process that supports people at risk of being drawn towards terrorism or violent extremism.
Prevent aims to deal with all forms of extremism including Far Right racist extremism, animal rights extremism and religious extremism.
Signs of possible radicalisation:
- Notable changes in behaviour/mood
- May begin to express extreme political or radical views
- Appear increasingly sympathetic to terrorist acts
- Appearance may change
- Friends may change and may spend excess time on their own or on the internet
By raising your concerns and making a referral, you can help someone who you believe is at risk of radicalisation get support, and can prevent them becoming involved in potentially violent activities, long before any criminal activity occurs.
For more information about PREVENT please visit the PREVENT partnership Board website here:
Hampshire PREVENT Partnership Board • Preventing terrorism and radicalisation within our communities
SignHealth Domestic Abuse Service for Deaf Adults and Children
SignHealth Domestic Abuse Service is a specialist service for Deaf adults and children who have experienced abuse. They are the only domestic abuse service in the UK that communicates with Deaf people directly, using a variety of communication methods, predominantly British Sign Language (BSL). Communicating in sign language means they are able to offer Deaf people the support and advice they need, in a language they can understand. Deaf people are often isolated from hearing people, as most people do not know sign language. See their leaflet below:
Domestic Abuse Service – SignHealth
Telephone Preference Service
The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) is a free service. It is the official central opt out register on which you can record your preference not to receive unsolicited sales or marketing calls. It is a legal requirement that all organisations (including charities, voluntary organisations and political parties) do not make such calls to numbers registered on the TPS unless they have your consent to do so. Registration is FREE. Click below to find out more about this service and how it can help protects against unsolicited marketing calls.
Safe and Well
Hampshire Fire Service Safe and Well is a Home Fire Safety visit that’s tailored to an individual’s needs, relating to their health and lifestyle choices. This is available to people with vulnerabilities that may indicate that they are at more risk of harm from fire. This visit is free of charge and will include a customer-made information pack, installation of new fire alarms and a check of existing fire alarms, issue of fire retardant bedding, furniture throws and nightwear and, if appropriate, a referral to other services for a professional assessment. To find out more visit the Hampshire Fire Service Safe and Well webpage.
The following resources have been created by Hampshire and IOW Fire and Rescue service as part of their ‘5Cs cost of living campaign’
Scams Advice
Take Five – advice to prevent email, phone-based and online fraud
“Take Five” is a national campaign offering straightforward, impartial advice that helps prevent email, phone-based and online fraud, particularly where criminals impersonate trusted organisations. Criminals are experts at impersonating people, organisations and the police. They spend hours researching you for their scams, hoping you’ll let your guard down for just a moment. Stop and think. It could protect you and your money. Find out more at: Take Five – To Stop Fraud
The following Take Five guide provides easy-read guidance on scams, co-written with Mencap and UK Finance:
Take Five easy read guide (
Other useful resources
Help to manage finances and avoid scams for people at risk and those who support them
Romance Fraud
Romance fraud occurs when you think you’ve met the perfect partner online but they are using a fake profile to form a relationship with you. You can meet them via an online dating website or app, social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, or gaming sites. They gain your trust over a number of weeks or months and have you believe you are in a loving and caring relationship. However, the criminal’s end goal is only ever to get your money or personal information.
Figures show Hampshire and Isle of Wight residents lost £3.1million through dating scams between November 2020 and October 2021.
If you think you’ve been a victim of romance fraud or a romance-based scam contact your bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or via Action Fraud
Dating, holiday and ticketing fraud | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary
Financial Abuse
Financial Abuse and Scams: Guidance for Councillors, Directors, Managers and Social Work Practitioners
The NTS Scams Team are currently focussing on establishing a partnership with the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) to engage at a national level to improve local partnerships and operational delivery. Helping to raise awareness of abuse and improve safeguarding practices, ADASS, in partnership with the Local Government Association, Adult Principal Social Worker Network and National Trading Standards, has published guidance on financial abuse and scams, for Directors and people working in social care.
Top Tips – Financial Abuse and Scams
The Little Guide to… preventing fraud and cyber crime – Metropolitan Police
HSAB Financial Abuse Resources
Financial Abuse Leaflet A5 Financial Abuse Leaflet A5 High Contrast
Financial Abuse Poster 1 A4 Financial Abuse Poster 1 A4 High Contrast
Financial Abuse Poster 2 A4 Financial Abuse Poster 2 A4 High Contrast
Suicide Helplines and Support Groups
The websites below provides useful links to helplines and support networks for people to talk to regarding mental health and suicidal feelings.
Suicide prevention (
Suicide Prevention: Do you know where to go for help? :: Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
Mental Wellbeing Hampshire – Crisis Prevention
Life Cards
Life cards signpost to key organisations that offer advice, help and support to people who are having suicidal thoughts or to someone who is worried about someone they know having suicidal thoughts. They also link to the Southern Health webpage via the URL and QR code that lists organisations on the card and signposts to local help and support in Hampshire.